
Showing posts from 2009

Chaos is good

If we add more chaos there will be more order faders up...


It's so easy to get out of a hole - just get a little time with a guitar. (and some orchestral arrangement helps too!)


Doubts are always creeping in about the tunes, the project, the approach, the objective, the enjoyment. Some are valid. Some are irrational. Some should be ignored to enable enjoyment to continue. Some should be dealt with to ensure the overall enjoyment is maintained. & how do you tell them apart?


Can be difficult to keep the momentum going - haven't had a chance to do a lot over the last couple of weeks. Have the album concepts and framework. Some of the tunes are nearly finished, but there's sooooo much work still to do on so many tunes. Trying to balance the needs of each tune with the overall theme. It's a bit like writing an essay - got good idea of the start middle and end, but it's not easy to read yet until we add all the flowery language and then check the spelling and grammar!

To Blog or Not

Tuner had a good point that one should just create the tunes, finish them, be done, hope somebody likes it and move on. What's the point of blogging it? Who cares? I think it's a quest for understanding and enlightenment in some respects. By observing thoughts and events within a process, perhaps the process itself can be further understood, and that might even provide another means of entertainment? (I'll add a spontaneous funny joke in a few months, once the plans are drawn up!) Paradoxically, the finished tunes are almost an insignificant part of the process of creating tunes. The creative/scientific processes required to meet the objective are far more important and enjoyable than the end result. So why should we only share the end result? Shouldn't we share those moments in the studio when we're creased up on the floor laughing? Shouldn't we share the enjoyment? Will they never be heard by anyone? Is it all for somebody else, or is it all for ourselves? Hmm...


It's amazing how productive an All-Nightey-Whitey© can be! A healthy 6 hours mixing and editing, and if feels like we're making progress. Let's hope this blog doesn't distract me from the real work - it's way easier to talk shite than to do something useful!

What the Butterfly?

Why is there a nice colourful butterfly in my studio at 3am in the middle of winter after a few weeks of frost and ice? Does he think it's spring already? ...and the cool wind from a butterfly's wings stirs my senses as it comes to rest on a pages of musical dreams... He must be bleedin' freezing - or is that a natural shiver in his wings?

Our name

Aaah yeah, and we don't have a name for the current project/band yet (but we'll sort that out soon too!)

About this

The Past... - THE best time of our lives, and in 2008 we finished it with a question "Where do we go from here?". Some of us are in Ireland (like me) and some in New Zealand. We're all moving forward to new things. This stuff... So I'll try to blog the current experience of creating music. We're 9 months into a new path and things are promising. I think we're creating a new studio album - strange that I only "think" it after 9 months. We're working hard towards it, but don't want to commit to it being an album. Defining this work as an album would take away some of the enjoyment and relaxation of working on it. In some ways we're being selfish just working on it for ourselves and being self-indulgent, but in many ways we are doing it for others because us humans are social types who like to please others. I guess it's just parallel streams of enjoyment. Now, how do you get nice MP3 links up here.... I guess this s...